20 Aug 2019

International day of remembrance and tribute to the victims of terrorism

What separates us from animals,what separates us from chaos,is our ability to mourn the people we have never met.

Terrorism is the act of terrorising civilians by using violence and intimidation for political purposes. It is a global problem, and it is a major threat to development of any nation. A lot of younger minds are being trapped by the cruel hands of terrorist organisations in the name of religion and a fake dream of a better future. Thousands of innocent people die every year, leaving thousands more in despair and agitation.

To remember the dead and to guide the ones alive, the United Nations declared in 21 August, 2017 as the International day of remembrance and tribute to victims of terrorism.

The motive is to spread awareness about the present condition of various regions in the world affected by terrorism and how lives of common people change or in a lot of cases cease due to it, so that people living in much safer environment can come forward and help the needy.

Education is the only solution to get the lost section of society back on track and to provide a healthy environment for growth and development of each individual.

Everyone deserves to live in a world, where peace is preached not violence. Hence, we all must take initiative to curb this act and work at our individual levels to stop terrorism because each life is important, that is the best possible justice to the ones who have sacrificed their lives being a victim of terrorism.